
How Does Sprinkler System Cost To Repair


In this guide

Sprinkler Arrangement Repair Toll past Type of Organization
Sprinkler Repair Cost by Type of Repair
Sprinkler System Repair Cost past Type of Replacement
Sprinkler Repair Prices by Type of Problem
Sprinkler Repair Cost per Hour
Emergency Sprinkler Repair Cost
Sprinkler System Maintenance Cost
Enhancement and Improvement Costs
Boosted Considerations

Sprinkler System Repair Toll by Type of Organization

A range of factors influence your organisation'south repair cost, with the arrangement type beingness one. Sprinklers come up in two types: in a higher place-ground and in-ground. The table below shows the average repair costs for each:

Average Cost to Repair an Above-Ground or In-Ground Sprinkler System

Average Cost to Repair an Above-Ground or In-Ground Sprinkler System

Type of Sprinkler System Average Repair Costs
Above-Ground $50 - $350
In-Ground $50 - $500

Higher up-Footing Sprinkler System Repair Cost

Repairs for an above-ground sprinkler system  1 toll between $50 and $350. Above-ground systems are easier for repair workers to admission because the heads and pipes are to a higher place the ground, so there is no need to dig and worry near landscaping costs.

In-Ground Sprinkler System Repair Toll

Repairs for an in-ground sprinkler system range from $50 to $500. The central divergence with an in-ground system is that many parts are hugger-mugger, so the repair workers must dig to access the damaged components. This results in longer repair times and higher bills.

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Sprinkler Repair Cost past Type of Repair

Sprinkler systems can exist complex with many parts, including heads, valves, lines, and pipes. Problems tin arise with each, and some parts are more than expensive and time-consuming to repair. The table beneath shows mutual sprinkler system repairs and the average price for each:

Cost to Repair Sprinkler System by Type of Repair: Head, Wire, Box, Valve, Timer, Pipe, Pump...

Cost to Repair Sprinkler System by Type of Repair: Head, Wire, Box, Valve, Timer, Pipe, Pump...

Blazon of Repair Boilerplate Repair Costs
Caput $50 - $85
Wiring $l - $85
Box $50 - $85
Valve $75 - $125
Solenoid $75 - $125
Timer $75 - $175
Manifold $75 - $200
Line $75 - $400
Pipe $75 - $400
Pump $100 - $200

Sprinkler Caput Repair Cost

Sprinkler head repairs average $fifty to $85. Heads are regularly exposed to elements and dirt, so it is normal for them to wearable, just they practice not always demand to be replaced. Sometimes, heads just need to be cleaned or pop-up heads might be blocked from dirt or grass, which may demand to be cleared away.

Sprinkler System Wire Repair Cost

Repairing wiring for your sprinkler system costs betwixt $50 and $85. Wires provide energy to the organisation but loosen, disconnect, or fray over time. Damaged wires can frequently be repaired with new covers or simple adjustments and reconnection.

Sprinkler Box Repair Cost

Repairing a sprinkler valve box averages $l to $85. The valve box covers your system's control valves for protection and easy access for adjustments, repairs, or replacements. These boxes can get croaky or damaged, then they may need patching.

Sprinkler Valve Repair Cost

Sprinkler valve  2 repairs range from $75 to $125. Several valves throughout the sprinkler system command the flow through the pipes and to the heads. Valves can become loose and leaky over time or may go cracked or damaged. A repairman may tighten a loose valve or use plumber's tape on modest issues, just more than heavily damaged valves need replacement.

Solenoid Sprinkler Repair Toll

Repairing a sprinkler solenoid costs between $75 and $125. The sprinkler solenoid is a wire coil connected to the controller. When activated, it generates a magnetic force that controls a little plunger inside the valve so that the valve opens and plays a primal part in decision-making the pressure for the organization. It can get blocked with sand, dirt, or fifty-fifty bugs, and so a repairman'south first activity is usually to inspect and clean the solenoid.

Sprinkler Timer Repair Cost

Repairing a sprinkler system timer or controller averages $75 to $175. Various issues might arise with your timer. You may find the sprinklers actuate at the wrong times, or they run for too long. A repairman can brand the necessary adjustments to your timer'due south settings and handle other pocket-sized repairs like rewiring and installing new batteries.

Sprinkler Manifold Repair Cost

Repairing a sprinkler system manifold costs between $75 and $200. The manifold is a pipe with several openings, assuasive h2o to co-operative into different lines and caput off to different valves. Similar other parts of piping, manifolds can crack and impairment from exposure. They may demand patching for small damage.

Sprinkler Line Repair Cost

Repairing a broken sprinkler line costs $75 to $400. The cost depends on how much of the line is afflicted and the piece of work required. Sprinkler lines can become cracked and damaged, just it may be possible to patch the damage without replacements.

Sprinkler System Pipe Repair Toll

Repairing sprinkler system pipes ranges from $75 to $400. PVC piping is used in the sprinkler organisation. While this piping lasts for many years, it can crack, break, or freeze. The repair toll depends on the pipage type and thickness, how like shooting fish in a barrel information technology is to access, and the extent of the damage.

Sprinkler Pump Repair Toll

Repairing a sprinkler pump  3 costs between $100 and $200. Pumps control pressure level in the pipes to control the flow, merely several problems may arise with them. Fuses blow, wires disconnect, or the settings of the pump'southward motor might not be configured correctly. A repairman can look at the pump and make necessary adjustments, including plumbing equipment new fuses, adjusting the voltage, or reconnecting loose wires.

Sprinkler Organisation Repair Price by Blazon of Replacement

In some cases, the parts of your sprinkler system might be so damaged that unproblematic repairs are impossible or inefficient. In these situations, it is ameliorate for the parts to be replaced. The cost of replacing sprinkler parts depends on the component and how much piece of work is required to install the new one. The table below provides common examples of sprinkler arrangement replacement.

Cost to Repair Sprinkler System by Type of Replacement: Head, Nozzle, Valve, Manifold, Controller, Pump, Backflow Preventer...

Cost to Repair Sprinkler System by Type of Replacement: Head, Nozzle, Valve, Manifold, Controller, Pump, Backflow Preventer...

Type of Replacement Boilerplate Replacement Costs (Parts and Labor)
Head $65 - $100
Nozzle $65 - $100
Valve Box $75 - $125
Filter $75 - $150
Solenoid $85 - $150
Valve $85 - $150
Manifold $100 - $225
Controller $100 - $300
Pump $200 - $500
Backflow Preventer $250 - $850

Sprinkler Head Replacement Cost

Replacing sprinkler heads costs between $65 and $100 per caput. This is one of the virtually common sprinkler repair types because heads get damaged and broken from accidents or gradual habiliment. To supplant a caput, the former one must be removed, and the difficulty depends on how accessible the head is.

Sprinkler Nozzle Replacement Cost

Replacing a sprinkler nozzle costs $65 to $100. Nozzles are fitted to sprinkler heads to spray the water in set patterns, and homeowners may want to purchase new nozzles to conform the spray for more even coverage. Sometime nozzles can also pause and get less reliable, and then they may accept to exist replaced.

Replace Sprinkler Valve Box Cost

Replacing the valve box for your sprinkler system ranges from $75 to $125. Material costs for new valve boxes are cheap, only there may be labor involved to get the old one out and perform the necessary landscaping before fitting the new box.

Sprinkler Filter Replacement Cost

Replacing a filter for your sprinkler system costs betwixt $75 and 150. Irrigation filters in the sprinkler organization prevent dirt and droppings from entering the system and causing damage and blockages, so they can be very important.

Sprinkler Solenoid Replacement Cost

Replacing a solenoid costs $85 to $150. Solenoids sometimes overheat and burn out, requiring replacement, or they might be damaged across repair. In this case, the old solenoid must be removed and a new 1 fitted.

Cost to Supersede a Sprinkler Valve

Replacing a sprinkler valve ranges from $85 to $150 per valve. Several valves might need replacing in your sprinkler organization, including the sprinkler shut-off valve, cheque valve, and ball valve. The material costs for almost valves are similar, only some valves may exist easier to access than others, which impacts the duration and labor costs.

Replace a Sprinkler Manifold Cost

Replacing a manifold in your sprinkler system costs between $100 and $225. Material costs for manifolds are high considering of their unique nature, and labor costs vary depending on your system's layout and design. Some manifolds are easier to install than others.

Cost to Replace a Sprinkler Controller

Replacing a sprinkler controller averages $100 to $300. The controller is disquisitional for the organisation because information technology controls when the valves open and the sprinkler heads turn. If information technology stops working, the entire arrangement becomes unreliable or inoperable. In some cases, y'all might recall your controller is cleaved, but it may simply demand new batteries for $v to $10.

Sprinkler Pump Replacement Cost

The cost to supercede a sprinkler water pump ranges from $200 to $500. Removing an old pump and fitting a new i should not accept a professional long, but the material costs for pumps can be high, especially for a large and powerful model.

Cost to Replace a Sprinkler Backflow Preventer

Replacing a backflow preventer costs between $250 and $850. The backflow preventer is i of the most important parts of the sprinkler organization considering it prevents dirty and contaminated h2o from flowing dorsum in the pipes leading to your dwelling. It protects you from dirty backflow water coming out of your kitchen and bath faucets.

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Sprinkler Repair Prices by Type of Problem

Many issues may ascend with your sprinkler system. You lot might notice the water pressure changing unexpectedly, frozen pipes, or clogged sprinkler heads. The repair costs vary greatly, depending on the trouble. The tabular array beneath shows common issues and average repair costs for each.

Cost to Repair Sprinkler System by Type of Problem: Clogged Head, Heads Won't Retract, Not Enough Water Pressure, High Pressure, Overspray...

Cost to Repair Sprinkler System by Type of Problem: Clogged Head, Heads Won't Retract, Not Enough Water Pressure, High Pressure, Overspray...

Blazon of Problem Average Repair Costs
Clogged Head $50 - $85
Heads Will Not Retract $50 - $xc
Heads Will Not Rotate $50 - $xc
Loftier Pressure $50 - $400
Low Pressure $50 - $500
Overspray $l - $500
Cracked Valve $75 - $150
Humming Noise in the System $75 - $150
Leak $75 - $750
Frozen Pipes $150 - $400

Clogged Sprinkler Caput

Fixing a clogged sprinkler head costs between $l and $85. Repairmen normally offer a quantity discount if y'all take several clogged heads that need cleaning. Heads become chock-full with things like roots, grass, dirt, and bugs.

Sprinkler Heads Will Not Retract

Fixing sprinkler heads that do not retract costs $50 to $90. Many sprinkler systems feature popular-up or retractable heads that remain in the ground most of the time and pop upwardly when spraying. If the heads stay upright, they may need cleaning from dirt and droppings bottleneck the space they retract to. They may too be damaged and need replacing.

Sprinkler Head Will Non Rotate

Fixing sprinkler heads that do non rotate ranges from $50 to $ninety per head. Discounts are typically available if multiple heads need repairing. Heads usually rotate to spray the water around evenly, but some parts might get soaked while others get none if they stop rotating. Clay and debris usually cause this effect, and so the head must be cleaned or replaced.

Sprinkler System Water Pressure Too High

Fixing a sprinkler system with very high water pressure level costs between $50 and $400. There may be several possible causes for this. Information technology might be that the valves are malfunctioning and interfering with the pressure level levels, so they may need repairing or replacing. Information technology could also be acquired by a blockage in the pipes or issues with the heads.

Non Plenty Water Pressure for Sprinklers

Fixing a sprinkler organization with low h2o pressure level costs $50 to $500. There are a few potential causes of this problem. It might exist that the backflow preventer valve is not fully open and must be adjusted. It could too be caused by a problem with the tank, dirty or clogged sprinkler heads, or a pump trouble. A professional person must audit the arrangement to find the root cause.

Sprinkler Is Overspraying

Fixing sprinklers that are overspraying ranges from $fifty to $500. This is a common issue that many owners deal with, leading to a lot of wasted h2o. Overspray is when the water is spraying out too far, across the lawn and onto streets, sidewalks, fences, or driveways. It can be caused by factors like using the wrong nozzles, loftier force per unit area in the system, or problems with positioning. You might need new heads fitted or heads repositioned or have the pump and pipe looked at for pressure issues.

Cracked Sprinkler Valve

Repairing a cracked valve costs between $75 and $150. Valves tin crack from accidents and impacts, and this can atomic number 82 to water dripping out. It may too affect the organization'due south pressure. Modest cracks tin be patched up, but croaky valves normally must be removed and replaced.

Sprinkler System Humming Racket

Fixing a sprinkler that makes a humming noise costs $75 to $150. This sound is often caused by an result with the solenoid valve. The valve makes a natural bustling sound when information technology operates from the Air-conditioning current and magnetic field. If the bustling is very loud, information technology could be an issue with the wiring, undervoltage, or loose parts.

Sprinkler Leak Repair Cost

Repairing a sprinkler system leak ranges from $75 to $750. The reason for this wide toll range is that leaks can vary in severity. Some are minor and may involve basic repairs. Others affect multiple zones and atomic number 82 to yard impairment that requires landscaping work to set. If you have leaks in multiple zones, you pay a higher price.

Frozen Sprinkler Pipes

Fixing frozen sprinkler pipes costs between $150 and $400. Pipes may freeze in your sprinkler organisation during the winter in very cold and icy temperatures. A repairman can thaw the pipes and deal with water ice blockages in a few ways. Fix frozen pipes apace because ice can do a lot of damage and lead to cracks and leaks.

Sprinkler Repair Cost per Hour

Sprinkler repair companies and workers often accuse a set fee per hr for labor. Most repairmen charge between $50 and $100per hour, and many sprinkler repair jobs tin be completed inside a couple of hours. For example, the piece of work for a sprinkler head replacement should be washed in nether an hour. Labor costs are $l to $100, plus material costs of around $5 to $15 for the new head, for a total of $55 to $115.

Emergency Sprinkler Repair Cost

Sometimes, yous may find yourself dealing with a sprinkler emergency, such every bit a leak causing water to pool around your backyard or sprinklers that do non retract or turn off. Y'all may have to pay an actress $100 to $200 for these emergency repairs.

Automatic Sprinkler System Watering a Lawn

Sprinkler System Maintenance Toll

A skilful mode to reduce the risks of sprinkler issues and repairs is to keep your system well maintained. You tin can practice this yourself or contact a professional for regular checkups and maintenance. Proper maintenance includes checking the diverse parts similar the heads and valves for issues, cleaning the heads and valves, and checking the valve box for damage. Yous tin spend effectually $20 to $l on cleaning supplies and basic tools to look afterward your system each year. Y'all tin also contact a company to perform checkups, which cost around $75.

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Enhancement and Comeback Costs

Sprinkler System Winterizing

Very low winter temperatures can cause pipes to freeze and damage your sprinkler system, so it is recommended to winterize it in the fall before the common cold winter weather arrives. Winterizing essentially involves draining the water from the organisation to prevent it from freezing within the pipes and valves. The average cost is between $threescore and $100.

Sprinkler System Removal Costs

You may want to take the sprinkler system removed due to a change in circumstances at your holding or if you are planning to completely alter the layout of your yard. Y'all might also want to remove a arrangement if the parts keep breaking down or the system is very old, in excess of twenty years.

The costs vary greatly, depending on how the job is done and the system size. Await to pay between $50 and $100 per hour for the service. Some professionals might only remove the heads and other visible components and get out the pipes undercover to save time and money. Others dig out the pipes and other hush-hush components, leading to more work and college bills.

Boosted Considerations and Costs

  • DIY. It is possible to acquit out some basic sprinkler repairs and maintenance on your own. Many homeowners can clean the heads or valves. If you have any doubts, it is best to contact a professional.
  • Discounts. Repair companies commonly offer a discount if multiple parts need fixing. For example, if you need several sprinkler heads replaced, they typically do not charge a ready fee for every head. Instead, they calculate the fourth dimension required for the work and and then present a fair price.
  • Timing. Jump and summer are when y'all utilise your sprinkler system the almost, then information technology is wise to have the system repaired early on, either in the belatedly winter or early leap, to ensure it is fully functional for the height months. During the summer, sprinkler repairs are much more in demand, so prices may rise in your location.
  • Signs. There are diverse warning signs y'all can watch out for to detect issues with your sprinkler system. You may notice high utility bills, which could be a sign of wasted water in the organization. Or, yous might run across uneven growth of your lawn if certain areas are getting more water than others due to uneven heads or broken controllers.
  • Maintenance. Basic maintenance for your sprinkler system includes cleaning the heads and valves, checking for any clay or blockages effectually the heads, and observing the system to check that it is functioning correctly and the h2o pressure is adequate.
  • Travel. Depending on where you live, y'all may have to pay actress for sprinkler repairs. If repair workers have to drive a long distance to get to your dwelling house, they might add these travel costs onto the final bill. This might be a set fee of effectually $10 to $xv, or it could exist calculated per mile.
  • Call-out fee. Many workers accuse a minimum call-out fee for visiting your dwelling and carrying out repairs or maintenance. These fees are unremarkably around $50 to $60.
  • License. In several states, people repairing or installing sprinkler systems demand an irrigation contracting license. Bank check the rules in your land before seeking repairs and ever work with an canonical licensed professional.


  • How long do sprinkler systems last?

On average, expect a sprinkler organization  i to last around 15 to 20 years. Nevertheless, repairs may be needed inside the first few years of installing your arrangement.

  • How practice I know if my sprinkler organisation is leaking?

If yous take an above-ground system, it should be quite simple to spot water coming out of the pipes. With in-basis systems, you may find changes in water pressure level, water pooling or bubbles up around the lawn, or pocket-size holes effectually the m.

  • Why is one sprinkler zone not working?

At that place are various possible reasons for this. It might exist that the heads take become clogged or broken. Information technology could also be an issue with the lines or valves leading to that zone.

  • Are lawn sprinkler systems worth it?

Lawn sprinkler systems offering many advantages to homeowners regarding saving fourth dimension and keeping your lawn salubrious and bonny. They are specially worthwhile in hot and dry areas where watering the backyard is necessary on a regular ground.

  • How much does information technology cost to install a new sprinkler organization?

Installing a new sprinkler system costs effectually $4,000 to $7,000 on average. The exact cost depends on several factors like the size and system type.

Remodeling Terms Crook Sheet

Definitions in laymen'southward terms, toll considerations, pictures and things you need to know.
Meet total cheat sheet.

glossary term picture Sprinkler Valve 2 Sprinkler valve: Device used to deliver pressured h2o to the sprinkler heads when watering a lawn

glossary term picture Pump 3 Pump: A device used to movement air, liquid, or gas by mechanical means

How Does Sprinkler System Cost To Repair,


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